msg/Polygon Documentation

autonomy_msgs/msg/Polygon Message

File: autonomy_msgs/msg/Polygon.msg

Raw Message Definition

# Unique generated id

string uuid
# Human readable name

string name

# Coordinate system used for points

autonomy_msgs/CoordinateSystemInfo info
# Points in polygon

# Note, while these are 3d points, they should always be on the same plane.

# It will be up to the algorithm whether this is the xy plane, or something else.

geometry_msgs/Point[] points

# Whether it is a right sided polygon.

# If it is, if you define them clockwise, it will describe the area inside.

bool right_sided true

Compact Message Definition

string uuid
string name
autonomy_msgs/msg/CoordinateSystemInfo info
geometry_msgs/msg/Point[] points
boolean right_sided=True