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Vertex One Software 0.4.0

Jetson software -> 1.3.0

  • Improved stability due to new DDS config (Zenoh)
  • Improved communication between low-level flight controller and Jetson
  • Removed Discovery server container

Onboard Computing Unit SW Modules

Onboard Computing Module Kernel -> 35.2.1

Bringup container -> 1.1.0

User container -> 0.3.0

Real-time MCU SW Modules

Real-time MCU OS-> 5.0.1

  • Improved stability of GNSS driver
  • Improved stability of SBUS driver
  • Improved ESC driver
  • Improved stability of time-of-flight driver
  • Improved communication between low-level flight controller and Jetson
  • Added support for GNSS timestamping
  • Fixed bug in USB driver to prevent data corruption
  • Fixed bug where a Jetson reboot was not handled correctly
  • Fixed bug where PowerPack communication failed due to version mismatch
  • Fixed bug where a wrongfully temperature warning was generated

Flight controller -> 5.1.0

  • Improved landing detection
  • Prevent disarming during flight, require killswitch instead
  • Limited manual attitude rate to 200 deg/s
  • Relax accuracy requirements for GNSS initialization
  • Visualize 'motors enabled' button status on the LED bar
  • Select magnetometer source through parameters
  • Improved attitude estimation initialization
  • Improved safety take-off checks
  • Fixed bug where it was possible to virtually trigger the 'armed' state without enabling the 'pre-armed' state
  • Fixed bug where brand new PowerPacks would block taking off due to wrong state-of-charge estimate

Power MCU -> 1.0.0

Time-of-Flight -> 1.1.1

  • Updated time-of-flight libraries
  • Improved quality of time-of-flight measurements

Wireless firmware -> 1.2.0

Online user documentation